Marinette Middle School serves students in grades five through eight with a student population of approximately 600.
At Marinette Middle School, we focus on growth, exploration and healthy relationships to create a school environment where all students thrive.
We offer daily classes in literacy, math, science, social studies and special education with grade-level teaching staff. Each student is also placed into an Anchor Hour learning group, which provides individualized academic and/or social-emotional interventions or extensions based on each student’s individualized needs. In this way, students are assured they are growing academically and socially as proud Marinette Marines!
A respectful school environment promotes learning for all. Social-emotional learning is embedded into daily instruction and teaches students how to respectfully interact with others. Counselors, social workers and other specialists provide additional support when needed.
A wide array of extracurricular, athletic and career-planning activities allows students to learn about themselves and explore their interests, strengths and aspirations and be ready to continue their journey into High School!